Soothe Your Soul

I've talked a lot about the negative effects of growing up with an alcoholic, but now I want to share what helps me get through it. There's so much sadness from living with parents who abuse you, and abuse themselves, it just hurts. I purge a lot of grief when I run or walk. Thinking about what's bothering me as I walk allows me to let it go. The outdoors and movement are big stress relievers.
Music is perfect for expressing your emotions too. I played the flute from 6th to 8th grade, but it didn't hold my attention. Maybe I should have learned the piano instead? I also love to listen to music, songs that I really feel in my heart. Listening to my favorite songs over and over again, and signing my ass off is a huge release. I don't know why.
“Music is the literature of the heart; it commences where speech ends.” ― Alphonse de Lamartine, french writer and poet
But nothing takes me out of my own head like reading. Reading is my favorite form of mental escape. I immerse myself in a book and only think about what's being presented to me. This only happens if it's a good book. If a book doesn't hold my attention, I don't feel compelled to read it. I love it when I can't put a book down, where I have to know what happens to the character.
Lastly and most importantly, great friends are so key. Friends who allow you to be you. In my case, that's loud, silly and sometimes opinionated. Since shyness is not one of my issues, I make friends all the time, but I do have a couple of very special ones. As always, I share my stories in the hopes it helps you cope with your life.